May 14th waypoint historic timeframe marker in 2023 is 75 years after Israel and Jerusalem had been surrounded and captured during the holocaust, when they regained territory. We know from the word, not one generation (lasting 70-80 years) will pass after you see these things.
Magnitude matters for interpretation. The Jewish captivity back then was numerically larger than the Babylonian captivity or any that have ever occurred, thankfully the Jew become Christians have scriptures saying they may be spared of worse. Luke speaks differently about the time of the end, saying the fullness of the gentiles doesn't occur until the end. Matthew and Mark speak similarly about the end of the age, but only reference that when you see he who ought not be standing in the place (the church) where he is, you know as Thessalonians states, the rebellion is near.
It doesn't mention that not one generation will pass after you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies like Luke does. Magnitude of Jerusalem and the Jews during WWII should help you test a prophecy timeframe in the here and now, even if a scholar opinion can give another insight as to those writings. The fullness of the gentiles is written also of in Romans 10 & 11, speaking of a prophecy then to now to the final fullness of the gentiles. The gospel must be preached before all nations and then the end will come, fullness of the gentiles doesn't occur until the end; the window and appointed time is growing shorter. The generation born with infant eyes to see this is soon to pass.
It doesn't mention that not one generation will pass after you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies like Luke does. Magnitude of Jerusalem and the Jews during WWII should help you test a prophecy timeframe in the here and now, even if a scholar opinion can give another insight as to those writings. The fullness of the gentiles is written also of in Romans 10 & 11, speaking of a prophecy then to now to the final fullness of the gentiles. The gospel must be preached before all nations and then the end will come, fullness of the gentiles doesn't occur until the end; the window and appointed time is growing shorter. The generation born with infant eyes to see this is soon to pass.