The apostle Paul made the time during his call, after being blinded for three days when Jesus told him to no longer persecute the church, dire. He said ‘the appointed time is growing short.’ It makes sense that the during the early church launch after Jesus died and ascended to heaven, and during the first Pentecost and baptism of the Holy Spirit, that this appointed time while the Bridegroom had recently been on earth, would be a push to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth and also a magnified time over past and future generations with all signs and miracles and wonders. Go go go, spread the good news, don’t just get married and worry about life as though this didn’t happen, people must learn the prophesied Christ came in the flesh as the son of God. Jesus, Peter, & Paul all rose the dead, the original disciples healed the sick and lame and have power and authority to tread over the demonic realm. So what are we to expect about the very end of the age? To not be ignorant in the dark about the many foretelling’s and signs of his return.
Some readings of the bible are difficult to actualize in the times we live in now. Out of 1 John it says paraphrased ‘it’s the very last hour,’ and ‘you’ve heard the antichrist is coming and many antichrists are around us, so we know the time is drawing near.’ But it’s been over 2,000 years and it seems off that it’s written in that matter. The day of the Lord will come unexpected like a thief in the night robbing you Tuesday evening when you turned 42 years and 57 days old. We who are believers are obligated to be subject to the writings in the scriptures, so be comforted from 2nd Peter 3: 8-9 that compared to the ancient age of the heavens and the earth, this is truly the last hour from then to now;
‘But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that anyone should perish, but that all should reach repentance.’
In a fast past world some people want instant immediate gratification and results, especially if you’re young and confident. That’s not really the case or how it works. Paul waited three years to tell of his encounter with the Lord on the road to Damascus when he was blinded, then it took him over a decade, 12 years of travel if not more, to help build this new Christian faith out of the ashes of the previous Jewish tradition and ordinances. Even when it seems strict that the bible talks of sin and condemnation and judgement, it’s progressive and you need to remember the time and audiences involved, not to mention average literacy and research knowledge of things we can’t just google.
From Corinthians to Hebrews, the previous law of Moses is denounced as something with glory fading into nothing (especially compared to the new covenant) as something obsolete, that manmade rituals of ‘eat this and not that,’ and ‘stone the woman for adultery,’ or the allowance of multiple wives and being able to divorce when deemed fit as the better guidance was needed in it’s time but not the progressive route. Jesus said due to the hardening of the peoples heart, back thousands of years ago regarding this, Moses relaxed a commandment regarding divorce. The New Testament is a different matter with various ins and outs (of it being ok or sin) but says stick through it, that’s the best advice from the Father.
Jesus is the high priest after the order of Melchizedek who sympathizes on our behalf knowing what we go through on earth as one who was tempted in every way we have been. He, like a role of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (who currently are disputing against Satan, the ‘accuser of brethren,’ and ‘father of lies,’ who accuses the saints day and night and is always attempting to stray and tempt) is our Lord defense attorney for entrance to eternal life in heaven. Both Jesus and Melchizedek both descended from heaven to earth for an amount of time. Not to get sidetracked but the high priest Melchizedek has no genealogy, or beginning of days, or father or mother, but also took human form. Jesus descended and lived for 33 years, Melchizedek had an encounter with Abraham who instituted the tithe duty for the descendants of Levi on behave of Levitical Priesthood protocol. He like Jesus, was before the foundation of the world, before day one ever occurred. All high priests are called by God, not something you decide is a future career. Aaron was a high priest after the order of both Melchizedek and Jesus (all that was made was for the love of a son to share all things with, namely Jesus, but possibly this curious being Melchizedek was conceived by God first before the foundation of the world as He was going through the logistics of the law and judgement of the world). When a new high priest is appointed, there comes a change with the law, as in each age and generation mans state of knowledge and ways of live change form.
Regarding todays appointed time harvest, we first need to be reminded that ‘…knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.’
In the last days prophecy makes it clear that we will be more advanced and self-capable to bear the cross and treat people with respect and give glory to the knowledge and majesty of God the Father of creation and the Lord Jesus Christ. From Daniel it says regarding the days before the end ‘knowledge will increase,’ and from 1 John 2:27 it says ‘But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you…’ Yes the Jew Christian of today is advised to still meet together with others, such as go to church (verse the Gentile believers of today) and reflect on daily reminders based from verses from the word, but this needing to no longer be taught is because we already have love in our hearts towards are neighbor along with faith that we can be raised from the dead or spared if the return comes first. In the very last days prophecy is very clear that after the Helper was sent into the minds and conscious of believers 40 days after Jesus ascended into heaven 1989 years ago, that up to this very day, today May 14th 2022, that the law of God is written in our hearts in how we live and treat each other and do fruitful works. Hebrews 10:15-17 reiterates prophecy from Jeremiah quoting this And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying,
“This is the covenant that I will make with
after those days, declares the Lord;
I will put my laws on their hearts,
and write them on their minds,”
then he adds,
“I will remember their sins and their lawless
Deeds no more.”
We are free to follow the Law and Prophets, which all things fall under this code of love; You shall love God & your neighbor as you ought too. At the end of Hebrews 8, it also says that God will put my law into their minds and write them on their hearts, and He will be our God and they shall no longer need to teach each other to ‘Know the Lord,’ because from the least to the greatest all shall know me & at that time I will be merciful toward their iniquities and will no longer remember their sins. And what is becoming obsolete (law of Moses) and growing old is ready to vanish away. This gospel is progressive, but Jeremiah like all the other prophets, are dealing with the times of their lives and history isn’t always a positive subject.
Now Jesus is the final and forever High Priest, & the law of Moses is not useless to its’ entirety, but the letter of the law could only work for a machine and not a living human down to its every requirement, for even committing one sin as someone haughty under the law and you become accountable to all of it. You’d have to be a highly advanced AI robot to not be guilty. Paul said things, yes even written in the Word of God, on his own authority (not the Lord’s, so he says himself in parenthesis) as a father in Christ looking out as a Paster would for his followers that ‘during this short appointed time,’ don’t look to marry but try your best to be obligated to serve ‘the way,’ to drop worldly desires and count worldly things as rubbish. For today, Genesis may be better advice, even if we are indeed in an appointed time today, as God saw it wasn’t good for man to be alone with only animals, so he created a helper mate and ‘a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife.’
It’s already been pointed out from Daniel, that his coworker in God Jeremiah perceived ‘in the books of the law,’ a 70 year duration; thus the literature he read was written before him – such perceived today written out the well-known Psalms (90:10) stating the life of a man is 70 up to 80 which is true to this day. A generation is the lifespan of a group of people living their 70-80ish year lives. Jesus called his generation twisted and crooked, the people born in that span from grandchild to grandparent. A prophecy is tested ‘don’t despise prophecy, test everything,’ and a test can pass or fail or be interpreted for good. In this tested appointed time (70-80 years after Jerusalem was captured in the 1940’s), knowing ‘not one generation will pass after you see these things,’ we have opportunity to use media and connectivity to help remind of the prophetic element of the gospel through larger scale cooperation and commitment.
As mentioned earlier some things in the word create an unbelief in people, or negativity to a fuller commitment. Peter even said Paul said some things that are hard to understand, one of those for us today would be following what seems and unreal modern strict rule (that women were not permitted to speak in the Church or they’re contentious to the Word of God, & must wear head coverings, and not braid their hair, or flaunt jewelry). A woman was to remain quite and speak on matters with their husband in there homes afterwards. I don’t think modern liberal tie died T-Shirt wearing people would be enthused about that verse, or even conservative Christians? Sure some may follow it strict and their not sinning, and sure this path could have been the path of harmonious submissive matrimony, but Paul spoke in a different time leading a different exposed peoples.
If Moses decided to allow a certificate of divorce because the people were too hardened to any other allowance regarding this, then assume Paul took liberties as a superior apostle to say things on his own authority for the sake of the time and the building of the early church. We live in a new age and the bible says, whoever relaxes the commandments will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven. However it may be true that sometimes it’s appropriate to relax commandments and the phrase ‘least to the greatest,’ are interchanged on numerous occasions (John the Baptist was greatest on earth born of women, but even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he). We’re supposed to be one. He who sins little loves little, and love covers a multitude of sins, but you can’t relax commandments, so a bold speaking conservative within the gospel could be the greatest compared to a lenient left side pastor side stepping things – but maybe the once strayed sheep that found God, who goes back to some allowances of the time he was reborn to never disbelieve again (1 Corinthians 7:24) who represents light to outsiders and believers alike, is greater in his own way; even with a few more stumbles, thus the phrase can be interchangeable.
So on behalf of the defense of the gospel 74 years after Israel regained its citizenship, that besides the excellent verses regarding love, virtue, peace, along with the verses that give advice and comfort for the hope of heaven to come, that there are some that may seem obsolete and outdated and not practiced anymore, even deemed prejudicial, but remember the heart of the gospel that says all humans are part of one functioning body from man to woman and from lowly to rich.
Some readings of the bible are difficult to actualize in the times we live in now. Out of 1 John it says paraphrased ‘it’s the very last hour,’ and ‘you’ve heard the antichrist is coming and many antichrists are around us, so we know the time is drawing near.’ But it’s been over 2,000 years and it seems off that it’s written in that matter. The day of the Lord will come unexpected like a thief in the night robbing you Tuesday evening when you turned 42 years and 57 days old. We who are believers are obligated to be subject to the writings in the scriptures, so be comforted from 2nd Peter 3: 8-9 that compared to the ancient age of the heavens and the earth, this is truly the last hour from then to now;
‘But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that anyone should perish, but that all should reach repentance.’
In a fast past world some people want instant immediate gratification and results, especially if you’re young and confident. That’s not really the case or how it works. Paul waited three years to tell of his encounter with the Lord on the road to Damascus when he was blinded, then it took him over a decade, 12 years of travel if not more, to help build this new Christian faith out of the ashes of the previous Jewish tradition and ordinances. Even when it seems strict that the bible talks of sin and condemnation and judgement, it’s progressive and you need to remember the time and audiences involved, not to mention average literacy and research knowledge of things we can’t just google.
From Corinthians to Hebrews, the previous law of Moses is denounced as something with glory fading into nothing (especially compared to the new covenant) as something obsolete, that manmade rituals of ‘eat this and not that,’ and ‘stone the woman for adultery,’ or the allowance of multiple wives and being able to divorce when deemed fit as the better guidance was needed in it’s time but not the progressive route. Jesus said due to the hardening of the peoples heart, back thousands of years ago regarding this, Moses relaxed a commandment regarding divorce. The New Testament is a different matter with various ins and outs (of it being ok or sin) but says stick through it, that’s the best advice from the Father.
Jesus is the high priest after the order of Melchizedek who sympathizes on our behalf knowing what we go through on earth as one who was tempted in every way we have been. He, like a role of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (who currently are disputing against Satan, the ‘accuser of brethren,’ and ‘father of lies,’ who accuses the saints day and night and is always attempting to stray and tempt) is our Lord defense attorney for entrance to eternal life in heaven. Both Jesus and Melchizedek both descended from heaven to earth for an amount of time. Not to get sidetracked but the high priest Melchizedek has no genealogy, or beginning of days, or father or mother, but also took human form. Jesus descended and lived for 33 years, Melchizedek had an encounter with Abraham who instituted the tithe duty for the descendants of Levi on behave of Levitical Priesthood protocol. He like Jesus, was before the foundation of the world, before day one ever occurred. All high priests are called by God, not something you decide is a future career. Aaron was a high priest after the order of both Melchizedek and Jesus (all that was made was for the love of a son to share all things with, namely Jesus, but possibly this curious being Melchizedek was conceived by God first before the foundation of the world as He was going through the logistics of the law and judgement of the world). When a new high priest is appointed, there comes a change with the law, as in each age and generation mans state of knowledge and ways of live change form.
Regarding todays appointed time harvest, we first need to be reminded that ‘…knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.’
In the last days prophecy makes it clear that we will be more advanced and self-capable to bear the cross and treat people with respect and give glory to the knowledge and majesty of God the Father of creation and the Lord Jesus Christ. From Daniel it says regarding the days before the end ‘knowledge will increase,’ and from 1 John 2:27 it says ‘But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you…’ Yes the Jew Christian of today is advised to still meet together with others, such as go to church (verse the Gentile believers of today) and reflect on daily reminders based from verses from the word, but this needing to no longer be taught is because we already have love in our hearts towards are neighbor along with faith that we can be raised from the dead or spared if the return comes first. In the very last days prophecy is very clear that after the Helper was sent into the minds and conscious of believers 40 days after Jesus ascended into heaven 1989 years ago, that up to this very day, today May 14th 2022, that the law of God is written in our hearts in how we live and treat each other and do fruitful works. Hebrews 10:15-17 reiterates prophecy from Jeremiah quoting this And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying,
“This is the covenant that I will make with
after those days, declares the Lord;
I will put my laws on their hearts,
and write them on their minds,”
then he adds,
“I will remember their sins and their lawless
Deeds no more.”
We are free to follow the Law and Prophets, which all things fall under this code of love; You shall love God & your neighbor as you ought too. At the end of Hebrews 8, it also says that God will put my law into their minds and write them on their hearts, and He will be our God and they shall no longer need to teach each other to ‘Know the Lord,’ because from the least to the greatest all shall know me & at that time I will be merciful toward their iniquities and will no longer remember their sins. And what is becoming obsolete (law of Moses) and growing old is ready to vanish away. This gospel is progressive, but Jeremiah like all the other prophets, are dealing with the times of their lives and history isn’t always a positive subject.
Now Jesus is the final and forever High Priest, & the law of Moses is not useless to its’ entirety, but the letter of the law could only work for a machine and not a living human down to its every requirement, for even committing one sin as someone haughty under the law and you become accountable to all of it. You’d have to be a highly advanced AI robot to not be guilty. Paul said things, yes even written in the Word of God, on his own authority (not the Lord’s, so he says himself in parenthesis) as a father in Christ looking out as a Paster would for his followers that ‘during this short appointed time,’ don’t look to marry but try your best to be obligated to serve ‘the way,’ to drop worldly desires and count worldly things as rubbish. For today, Genesis may be better advice, even if we are indeed in an appointed time today, as God saw it wasn’t good for man to be alone with only animals, so he created a helper mate and ‘a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife.’
It’s already been pointed out from Daniel, that his coworker in God Jeremiah perceived ‘in the books of the law,’ a 70 year duration; thus the literature he read was written before him – such perceived today written out the well-known Psalms (90:10) stating the life of a man is 70 up to 80 which is true to this day. A generation is the lifespan of a group of people living their 70-80ish year lives. Jesus called his generation twisted and crooked, the people born in that span from grandchild to grandparent. A prophecy is tested ‘don’t despise prophecy, test everything,’ and a test can pass or fail or be interpreted for good. In this tested appointed time (70-80 years after Jerusalem was captured in the 1940’s), knowing ‘not one generation will pass after you see these things,’ we have opportunity to use media and connectivity to help remind of the prophetic element of the gospel through larger scale cooperation and commitment.
As mentioned earlier some things in the word create an unbelief in people, or negativity to a fuller commitment. Peter even said Paul said some things that are hard to understand, one of those for us today would be following what seems and unreal modern strict rule (that women were not permitted to speak in the Church or they’re contentious to the Word of God, & must wear head coverings, and not braid their hair, or flaunt jewelry). A woman was to remain quite and speak on matters with their husband in there homes afterwards. I don’t think modern liberal tie died T-Shirt wearing people would be enthused about that verse, or even conservative Christians? Sure some may follow it strict and their not sinning, and sure this path could have been the path of harmonious submissive matrimony, but Paul spoke in a different time leading a different exposed peoples.
If Moses decided to allow a certificate of divorce because the people were too hardened to any other allowance regarding this, then assume Paul took liberties as a superior apostle to say things on his own authority for the sake of the time and the building of the early church. We live in a new age and the bible says, whoever relaxes the commandments will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven. However it may be true that sometimes it’s appropriate to relax commandments and the phrase ‘least to the greatest,’ are interchanged on numerous occasions (John the Baptist was greatest on earth born of women, but even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he). We’re supposed to be one. He who sins little loves little, and love covers a multitude of sins, but you can’t relax commandments, so a bold speaking conservative within the gospel could be the greatest compared to a lenient left side pastor side stepping things – but maybe the once strayed sheep that found God, who goes back to some allowances of the time he was reborn to never disbelieve again (1 Corinthians 7:24) who represents light to outsiders and believers alike, is greater in his own way; even with a few more stumbles, thus the phrase can be interchangeable.
So on behalf of the defense of the gospel 74 years after Israel regained its citizenship, that besides the excellent verses regarding love, virtue, peace, along with the verses that give advice and comfort for the hope of heaven to come, that there are some that may seem obsolete and outdated and not practiced anymore, even deemed prejudicial, but remember the heart of the gospel that says all humans are part of one functioning body from man to woman and from lowly to rich.