Year 72, May 14th, 2020, will be a year of ongoing progress towards the allowance of the prophecy test further carried out, as the severity of God and eternity needs to be further actualized. Lest the wisdom of this world say ‘you only get to live once,’ and they be right. The bible says God is slow to anger, that to him one day is as though a thousand years, that even if the vision of Habakkuk seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay as it awaits its appointed time, and that altogether God’s first desire is to wait longer to have mercy on more to be saved. That means He considers hell not to be a merciful state of living. When Jeremiah perceived a 70-year duration from Psalms as a faith God would see through as common sense in their captivity, given the verse says a generation lifespan of a man is 70 up to 80 years, that this God who doesn’t act impulsive or quick tempered on His planned decisions, would allow some time after 70 years before fulfillment comes and judgement occurs to the earth and its inhabitants.
The person with faith, but stuck in unbelief, doesn’t just grasp the totality of the bible; the story and literal implications of all things now and future, failing to go there on the coming, not trying to learn additional premises of discipleship or prophethood; but ultimately all believers share the same light of knowledge regarding judgement and reliance on Christ for life after death as the only feasible option, or the punishment risk is a doom too risky. In Zechariah, when he was having a vision of Satan standing at the right hand side of the high priest Joshua to accuse him had God intervene and say ‘The LORD rebuke you, O Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?’ Satan was trying to capture souls by comparing similarities between characteristics or factors part of the measure of hell, but God doesn’t just pick one brand of soul, He makes it pretty simple with belief and proper virtues instilled within us.
Also in this verse, in an undernote it says ‘brand,’ also could be translated to ‘burning stick.’ Often you can think two separate thoughts, the second thought after thinking of God’s colorful brand of people included in heaven whom He defends, is what happens to a burning stick. Sometimes you say that took ‘forever,’ but it wasn’t literal to the term. Sometimes the word says they will be sent to hell for an eternity so to not not make it not true, thus to keep the severity of the decision always inconclusive. We know it says about people sent to hell, that they ‘perish,’ and are sent to hell for an ‘eternity.’ The vision in Revelation talks of a thousand-year millennium, then Satan comes out of prison to 'deceive the nations', but per the reading it seems judgement on earth had occurred already which isn’t possible in time lapse. We know hell is a dark and gloomy place, a place with fire and unquenchable thirst with weeping and gnashing of teeth; a place of everlasting shame and contempt, where your worm doesn’t rot. Would you say living would gets stale after 100 years of gloomy life, 200 years? Would God, like a vampire lock someone up for a zillion years in misery? He talks of them being thrown into the oven, so if your not a brand plucked from the fire you’re a burning stick that comes to ashes and is no more. I'd rather perish after death immediately without penalty, but can't get around our souls being created into a scenario.
The person with faith, but stuck in unbelief, doesn’t just grasp the totality of the bible; the story and literal implications of all things now and future, failing to go there on the coming, not trying to learn additional premises of discipleship or prophethood; but ultimately all believers share the same light of knowledge regarding judgement and reliance on Christ for life after death as the only feasible option, or the punishment risk is a doom too risky. In Zechariah, when he was having a vision of Satan standing at the right hand side of the high priest Joshua to accuse him had God intervene and say ‘The LORD rebuke you, O Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?’ Satan was trying to capture souls by comparing similarities between characteristics or factors part of the measure of hell, but God doesn’t just pick one brand of soul, He makes it pretty simple with belief and proper virtues instilled within us.
Also in this verse, in an undernote it says ‘brand,’ also could be translated to ‘burning stick.’ Often you can think two separate thoughts, the second thought after thinking of God’s colorful brand of people included in heaven whom He defends, is what happens to a burning stick. Sometimes you say that took ‘forever,’ but it wasn’t literal to the term. Sometimes the word says they will be sent to hell for an eternity so to not not make it not true, thus to keep the severity of the decision always inconclusive. We know it says about people sent to hell, that they ‘perish,’ and are sent to hell for an ‘eternity.’ The vision in Revelation talks of a thousand-year millennium, then Satan comes out of prison to 'deceive the nations', but per the reading it seems judgement on earth had occurred already which isn’t possible in time lapse. We know hell is a dark and gloomy place, a place with fire and unquenchable thirst with weeping and gnashing of teeth; a place of everlasting shame and contempt, where your worm doesn’t rot. Would you say living would gets stale after 100 years of gloomy life, 200 years? Would God, like a vampire lock someone up for a zillion years in misery? He talks of them being thrown into the oven, so if your not a brand plucked from the fire you’re a burning stick that comes to ashes and is no more. I'd rather perish after death immediately without penalty, but can't get around our souls being created into a scenario.