May 14th 1948 <WAYPOINT> + 70 years, if not 80 years is today with lots to do!
Prophecy Test Spark Photo (decision explanation & separate approximate timeline)
Chunks of time within narrowing times, we have options and momentum and execution ahead always keeping contextual pressure.
2018 to 2028 allows the entirety of the prophetic word to be carried out, aware of the 42 months, 1,260 days, or 3.5 yrs.
On May 14th 2019, a website page will be added as a year 71 reminder and reflection. Each year will have some sort of summary and theme as the construct and effort is being built. This year was about establishing this into reality. There has been enough viewership, words, interactions to only but move forward (not that we can't not anyway). Getting information to become material isn't always easy, people have 40 hour jobs which makes each decision with children and family more of a choice. Eventually, this should soak enough into the equation to allow proper conversation and practice. That's year 70 summary!
Prophecy Test Spark Photo (decision explanation & separate approximate timeline)
Chunks of time within narrowing times, we have options and momentum and execution ahead always keeping contextual pressure.
2018 to 2028 allows the entirety of the prophetic word to be carried out, aware of the 42 months, 1,260 days, or 3.5 yrs.
On May 14th 2019, a website page will be added as a year 71 reminder and reflection. Each year will have some sort of summary and theme as the construct and effort is being built. This year was about establishing this into reality. There has been enough viewership, words, interactions to only but move forward (not that we can't not anyway). Getting information to become material isn't always easy, people have 40 hour jobs which makes each decision with children and family more of a choice. Eventually, this should soak enough into the equation to allow proper conversation and practice. That's year 70 summary!
Year 70 Memory Jot
(Establishing a 10-year period or less under the 'time, times, and half a time' umbrella)
David wrote at the time the Psalms were created, writing some of them himself and was referenced many times by the following generations. He was likely referenced by Jeremiah who then affirmed the decreed 70-year decision that should come to pass. Isaiah intentionally said '70 years, the life of a king,' and it implies they (him and Jeremiah who perceived along with Daniel) that they knew events should now occur within the lifespan written in Psalms about mankind's cellular longevity being averaged within a 70 to 80 year range. Isaiah doesn't just say 'the life of a king' without correlation to what Daniel wrote about Jeremiah being aware of the scenario at hand. Daniel referenced this awareness and they thought it out contextually as leaders in their time. It would not be a 40 year duration, the penalty with Nebuchadnezzar was a lifespan for a greater accord with the captors. The same scenario is today, given the factors post holocaust and the way the bible foretells of things they were told and saw. God requires this prophecy test at the end of the generation that has bared witnesses to everything that was foretold and came to pass, that Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies and we would be made aware of natural disasters that increase like pregnancy birth pangs.
Psalm 90:10 'The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.'
Daniel 9:2 'I, Daniel, perceived in the books the number of years that, according to the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the end of the desolation of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years.'
Isaiah 23:15 'the life of one king,' means sometimes leadership decisions, after knowing the material, becomes affirmation supported by God.
(Establishing a 10-year period or less under the 'time, times, and half a time' umbrella)
David wrote at the time the Psalms were created, writing some of them himself and was referenced many times by the following generations. He was likely referenced by Jeremiah who then affirmed the decreed 70-year decision that should come to pass. Isaiah intentionally said '70 years, the life of a king,' and it implies they (him and Jeremiah who perceived along with Daniel) that they knew events should now occur within the lifespan written in Psalms about mankind's cellular longevity being averaged within a 70 to 80 year range. Isaiah doesn't just say 'the life of a king' without correlation to what Daniel wrote about Jeremiah being aware of the scenario at hand. Daniel referenced this awareness and they thought it out contextually as leaders in their time. It would not be a 40 year duration, the penalty with Nebuchadnezzar was a lifespan for a greater accord with the captors. The same scenario is today, given the factors post holocaust and the way the bible foretells of things they were told and saw. God requires this prophecy test at the end of the generation that has bared witnesses to everything that was foretold and came to pass, that Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies and we would be made aware of natural disasters that increase like pregnancy birth pangs.
Psalm 90:10 'The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.'
Daniel 9:2 'I, Daniel, perceived in the books the number of years that, according to the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the end of the desolation of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years.'
Isaiah 23:15 'the life of one king,' means sometimes leadership decisions, after knowing the material, becomes affirmation supported by God.
YEAR 80 IS 2028
The vision implementation, is intended to to lawyer out the bible correctly filling in some gaps of outstanding (remaining) areas within the practice that are due in this season of time, that requires some additional hearing & interpretation. On paper, the sovereign God doesn't always look the most righteous 2,000 years post Pentecost to not yet have returned, to allow so many historical things to have occurred, given it was stressed even way back then in straight to the point language, that the last hour is here, that the 'the time is near / short,' that we are to be like night managers always ready for the thief on this example - yet with pain, suffering, & rampant evil continuing to exist in a world with many people suffering worse than you, we need to remember God expects additional embraces, even tasks, not to mention belief in seeing this through.
In this first scenario of life where we humans are birthed into existence, our reality is warped differently from child to adult to eternal conversations based on our different circumstances. Remember one day is like a thousand years to God who can play and replay outcome before it occurs and knows the far out future. We're thrown into a dilemma and supposed to see a fading earth (instead of only a beautiful earth) in a temporary situation (instead of retirement and low fulfillment zeal) and unpopular or not to say, this first creation wasn't intended for us only to only enjoy the glamour of a living paradise mindset here on earth, or to only be blessed and more fortunate than others. We're suppose to long for and grasp the next stage of existence being a truer freedom for everyone, with our thoughts becoming settled, where sin no longer a reflection, and things between each other are fully transparent and disclosed appropriately. Heaven is better, don't forget it!
If you can still find happiness during the abundant life we are blessed to be living in right now, where we can still appreciate and love the mountains and oceans and the upcoming vacations, you need to blend your outlook better in line with God's total requirement. Can you make this conceptually become more of your memory as part of the practice, for the sake of playing correct at the proper time? What is the ultimate way to carry forth biblical objectives? What is modern day sackcloth?
In this first scenario of life where we humans are birthed into existence, our reality is warped differently from child to adult to eternal conversations based on our different circumstances. Remember one day is like a thousand years to God who can play and replay outcome before it occurs and knows the far out future. We're thrown into a dilemma and supposed to see a fading earth (instead of only a beautiful earth) in a temporary situation (instead of retirement and low fulfillment zeal) and unpopular or not to say, this first creation wasn't intended for us only to only enjoy the glamour of a living paradise mindset here on earth, or to only be blessed and more fortunate than others. We're suppose to long for and grasp the next stage of existence being a truer freedom for everyone, with our thoughts becoming settled, where sin no longer a reflection, and things between each other are fully transparent and disclosed appropriately. Heaven is better, don't forget it!
If you can still find happiness during the abundant life we are blessed to be living in right now, where we can still appreciate and love the mountains and oceans and the upcoming vacations, you need to blend your outlook better in line with God's total requirement. Can you make this conceptually become more of your memory as part of the practice, for the sake of playing correct at the proper time? What is the ultimate way to carry forth biblical objectives? What is modern day sackcloth?