John 14:12 ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.’
How do you do greater works than Jesus? He healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, walked on water and flew, rose from the grave himself. Some early church prophesy happened before and after Jesus went to the Father that matched what Jesus did, they also healed the sick, cast out demons, Paul was bitten by a snake and the poison didn’t kill him that astounded the local residents, and Peter raised someone from the dead; things prophesied at the end of Mark (16:17-18) that occurred especially during the Pentecost and writings of the events of Acts.
Even so, greater works as in the exact work itself isn’t really much different, they accomplished similar things. Numerically speaking, Peter and Paul at the beginning of the church that built upon Jesus’s testimony, brought more people to God than Jesus did in his 33 years on earth so in that way the verse is true that by believing in Jesus and the Father, ‘greater things than these,’ did occur. Now today, the population is the biggest it has ever been and this is ongoing, so from the verse then to now, we also have the opportunity to numerically do greater works. One million profile users should be enough to match significance and play a part in greater works being done after Jesus ascended to heaven after rising from the grave.
Even so, greater works as in the exact work itself isn’t really much different, they accomplished similar things. Numerically speaking, Peter and Paul at the beginning of the church that built upon Jesus’s testimony, brought more people to God than Jesus did in his 33 years on earth so in that way the verse is true that by believing in Jesus and the Father, ‘greater things than these,’ did occur. Now today, the population is the biggest it has ever been and this is ongoing, so from the verse then to now, we also have the opportunity to numerically do greater works. One million profile users should be enough to match significance and play a part in greater works being done after Jesus ascended to heaven after rising from the grave.